Ubuntu removing driver problems
You can have the driver version with cat /proc/sound4exp/version
For driver < 2.2
If you experience problems while wanting to upgrade or remove the SOUND4 driver, follow this procedure.
First, to avoid reload at reboot:
sudo rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/sound4exp1.ko
Then, try to remove current from dkms.
sudo dkms remove -m sound4exp1 -v $(cat /proc/sound4exp/version) --all
For more recent ubuntu, it might be this command instead:
sudo dkms remove sound4exp1/$(cat /proc/sound4exp/version)
If this freeze on unloading driver, you have to reboot the PC and retry.
For driver < 2.8
For all versions before 2.8, the package removal script try to disconnect the driver, which freeze with most recent enough kernels. So
nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/sound4exp1.prerm
and comment line
echo "1" > /proc/sound4exp/disconnect
Then you can update the driver:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sound4exp1
If asked to dpkg-reconfigure -a
, do it and retry.