Ubuntu removing driver problems

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If you experience problems while wanting to upgrade or remove the SOUND4 driver, follow this procedure.

You can have the driver version with cat /proc/sound4exp/version

First, to avoid reload at reboot:

sudo rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/sound4exp1.ko

Then, try to remove current from dkms (exemple for version 2.1).

sudo dkms remove -m sound4exp1 -v $(cat /proc/sound4exp/version) --all

For more recent ubuntu, it might be this command instead:

sudo dkms remove sound4exp1/$(cat /proc/sound4exp/version)

If this freeze on unloading driver, you have to reboot the PC and retry.

For all versions before 2.8, the package removal script try to disconnect the driver, which freeze with most recent enough kernels. So

nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/sound4exp1.prerm

and comment line

echo "1" > /proc/sound4exp/disconnect

Then you can update the driver:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sound4exp1

If asked to dpkg-reconfigure -a, do it and retry.